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Our Services

We offer financial planning and investment management to our clients to help them work toward their goals. We like to think of a financial plan as a roadmap to help get you from where you are to where you want to be.


We want to help you pursue your goals with clear direction and specific actions steps. Planning for your financial future can be overwhelming and exhausting. However, we want to unburden you and create a straightforward plan to help you pursue your dreams. 

Our Financial Planning Goal For You:

To help you work toward financial freedom so that you focus more on enjoying life and maximizing family time. ​​​​​​

Retirement Income Planning

Tax Planning Education

Estate Planning Education

Employee Benefits Planning

Household Cash Flow Management

Risk Management and Insurance Planning

College Savings Planning

Business-Owner Financial Planning

Student Loan Repayment Planning

​​What We Cover in Financial Planning:

What Makes A
Financial Plan Successful?

At Desert Wealth Management, we believe that the key to creating a successful financial plan is ensuring that it is both specific and straightforward.


We want to make sure our plan covers your current and future financial needs while also making room for your financial goals.


To determine your particular needs and goals, we spend time with you collecting information about your needs, defining your goals, evaluating your resources, and developing a time line. 

Investment Management

Investing your money is one of the smartest ways to make your money work for you. At Desert Wealth Management, we are committed to helping you gain more confidence knowing that your hard-earned money is being managed and taken care of. We want you, the client, to know that we are dedicated to utilizing our resources to help you be more confident about tomorrow and focus more on today.

Our investment philosophy is focused on optimizing returns over meaningful periods of time by providing personalized service and management.

Interested in working with us in financial planning and investment management?

Let's get started!

Step #1:

Let's set up an initial meeting to get to know eachother

We will set up an initial meeting with each other to go over what the financial planning engagement entails and see if we are a good fit!
You can book your intro call with us here.


Step #2: 

Let's begin the Financial Wealth and Health Journey Program

If we are a good fit, we will begin the Financial Wealth and Health journey with you. We will create a financial plan for you that gives you a guide for your financial journey. 

Financial Wealth and Health Journey Sessions:

  • Session #1: Financial Health Diagnostic Test Meeting

    • In this meeting, we will review your current financial life, gather pertinent financial information, discuss your life goals, review your money mindset, and discuss various behavioral finance concepts.

  • Session #2: Presenting The Journey Meeting

    • In this meeting, we will present your plan, review various scenarios, and give you specific action steps for you to live out in your daily life. We will also give you a spending system and an investment strategy.

Step #3: 

Continue meeting for Financial Health Check-Ins

After your plan is delivered, we will implement the financial plan and monitor the plan regularly through comprehensive annual review meetings, phone calls updates, and email check-ins.


Ongoing Service Sessions:

  • Annual Comprehensive Review Meetings

    • We will do a comprehensive review of your plan each year at your annual review meeting where we make necessary updates and create a follow-up list of action-steps.

  • Review meetings as needed

    • If you have any questions or life updates at any point in the year you will have ongoing support from our financial advisory team where you can call or email with any questions you have.

    • We will book in-person or virtual meetings as needed so that your plan stays on course.

Financial Planning and Investment Management Fees
Financial Planning is complimentary with Investment Management

Accounts under $100,000

One-time onboarding fee of $500

1.15% ongoing annual advisory fee of assets under management 

Accounts between $100,000 and $999,999

1.15% ongoing annual advisory fee of assets under management 

Accounts $1,000,000 and greater

1.00% ongoing annual advisory fee  of assets under management 

Fees may vary based on complexity.

Financial Planning offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor
All investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.

Learn More About Our Process

A Goal-Based Strategy

At Desert Wealth Management, we like to start with the end goals. We like to start off our meeting to listen to your goals and dreams. We want to understand the vision of what you want your life to look like.

The reason we like to start with the end goal is because it guides us in how we create your plan and where it will lead to. Keeping your goals at the center of the plan is our utmost priority. 

Saving With A Purpose

It can oftentimes be difficult to set up the habit of saving. This is why we like to help you define your purpose behind saving. Do you want to buy a home? Do you want to help your children save for college? Do you want to save for a future dream vacation? Defining the "why" behind saving is one way to find the motivation to save. Saving is crucial to living out a successful financial plan because saving is the first step in funding your financial goals. 

Cash Flow and Budget Development

We like to run an analysis of your income and expenses to create your personal budget. Developing a budget that includes your realistic cash flow is a cornerstone in developing a comprehensive financial plan. This will help us identify how we can help you fund your financial goals and where you can allocate money to saving, spending, taxes, and investments.

Insurance and Estate Planning

Your legacy is in your hands. Insurance can help you build a hedge against unexpected life events. Estate planning can provide you with the confidence that your financial plan will benefit your loved ones even after you're gone. Regularly reviewing your legal documents and beneficiary designations, and examining tax implications for survivors are vital to establishing an estate plan that provides you with greater confidence and clarity. 

Action Steps

We believe that the key to a successful financial plan is creating specific and straightforward action steps. Because of this, we will review your plan semi-annually, updating your action steps and ensuring their completion. We want to give you a clear guide towards the goal of living the life you've always wanted. 

Do you want to learn more about what
your financial future can look like?


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